creating a diagonal matrix

The function 'diag' should work. To use it, you'll need to load "diag"

  (%i6) load(diag)$

  (%i7) m : diag([a,b]);
  (%o7) matrix([a,0],[0,b])

Given a list of matrices, diag doesn't return a block matrix:

  (%i8) diag([m,m]);
  (%o8) matrix([a,0,0,0],[0,b,0,0],[0,0,a,0],[0,0,0,b])

The function diag_matrix should also work -- this function autoloads.
'diag,' the function 'diag_matrix' n arguments (instead of a single list)

  (%i9) diag_matrix(a,b);
  (%o9) matrix([a,0],[0,b])

When the arguments to diag_matrix are matrices, it returns a block matrix:

  (%i10) diag_matrix(m,m);

The function diag_matrix tries to detect problems:

  (%i11) diag_matrix(m,1);
   All arguments to 'diag_matrix' must either be unblocked matrices or

It's not good that Maxima has two functions for creating a diagonal matrix.
These things happen. Blame me :)


-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

 but is there is a function in Maxima
>which allows (non-interactive) construction of a diagonal matrix with
>arbitrary values down the diagonal?