array arguments to function

I'm not sure I understand the answer. Is it possible
to pass arrays, lists or matrices to a function and
have the function modify the actual array, list or

In other words, are arrays, lists or matrices passed
by value, reference or both? Is there a special

--- Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:

> On 1/29/08, Thomas Widlar <twidlar at> wrote:
> > We want to pass arrays to a subroutine (a
> function)
> > by reference not by value, that is, we need to
> give
> > the address of the actuall array(s) so that the
> > routine can access and modify them.
> Whether or not that has the intended effect depends
> on what
> kind of arrays you have. Bear in mind that lists and
> matrices
> act like arrays but arrays are distinct from lists
> and
> matrices in Maxima. My advice is to use lists or
> matrices if
> you need one or two indices, respectively, and to
> use arrays
> as created by make_array if you need more indices.
> Hope this helps,
> Robert