request for help getting maxima to plot the like i would want

Jelle de Jong escribi?:
> Hello everybody,
> I have been using and developing linux for 3 years and am an experienced
> user. I am following some basic mathematical classes on my university.
> In this collage I have to use software to calculate and analyze
> functions. The software that is used is called Derive:
> For a real FLOSS user this is not an option, so I went trying out all
> the mathematical tools for GNU/Linux. I think maxima is the program that
> should be able to do all the calculations and visualisations on the
> functions I use. However after spending a day working and trying I cant
> get my functions to plot the way I want and to calculate on them
> (differentiations / Integration / Compare / Solve).
> I tried to do somethings but its not working out very well.
> Would somebody be willing to help me out, and demonstrate the command
> required to be able to plot in almost exactly the same way as the 2
> example pages with the plots, that I included as attachment. (see this 
> link:


You can try this code with Maxima 5.14:


draw3d(implicit(z=-x-y+5, x,0,5, y,0,5, z,0,5))$

draw3d(surface_hide = true,
       implicit(z=9-x^2-y^2, x,-4,4, y,-4,4, z,0,10))$

Define the parametric curve:
draw3d(parametric(t,2,5-t^2, t,-5,5))$

type ? draw for more information about this package.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto