request for help getting maxima to plot the like i would want


> Hi Mario,
> Thank you for your help, I compiled the latest maxima and have been 
> trying your command:
> However I am still unable to get an X-ax and Y-Ax in the middle:
>       Y
>       |
>       |
> ----------- X
>       |
>       |
> I have been trying the following input, however I cant get it right.

This is an (baroque) example showing options related to axis in 3d (you 
probably won't need to use all of them!):

       xaxis=true, xaxis_color = red, xaxis_type=solid, xaxis_width=2,
       yaxis=true, yaxis_color = aquamarine, yaxis_type=solid, 
       zaxis=true, zaxis_color = "#ff25cb", zaxis_type=dots, zaxis_width=6,
       xrange = [-1,6], yrange = [-1,6], zrange = [-1,6],
       xlabel = "Athos", ylabel = "Portos", zlabel = "Aramis",
       user_preamble= "set xyplane at 0",
       implicit(z=-x-y+5, x,0,5, y,0,5, z,0,5));

> load("draw");
> f1: 4;
> f2: y-x^2;
> solve(f1=f2,y);
> draw2d(explicit(%,x,-6,6));
Note in this example that %[1] is the 1st component of the list returned 
by solve, which is an equation, and rhs returns its right hand side:

f1: 4;
f2: y-x^2;


Mario Rodriguez Riotorto