
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:24 AM, Edwin Woollett <woollett at> wrote:
> Can someone explain how maxima uses the index limits for the function nusum.
>  Is there a simple explanation for the ouputs:
>  ----------------------------------------
>   nusum( j, j, 0, 2 );  ---->   3
>  and
>  nusum( j, j, 0, j );   --->   j*( j + 1 ) / 2
>  -----------------------------------------------

The arguments for nusum are the same as for sum:

  nusum(expression, variable, lower_bound, upper_bound).

Explanation for you examples:

nusum(j,j,0,2) = 0+1+2 = 3
nusum(j,j,0,j) = 0+1+2+...+j = j*(j+1)/2.

Maybe it is confusing that in the last example the upper limit for
summation is the same as summation variable. The example is equivalent
to nusum(i, i, 0, j).

