First of all, let me point out that this is somewhat unnatural to do,
with respect to sums and products... e.g. the matching program
generally will succeed in matching a pattern p*q against an
expression X by allowing p=X and q=1.
For forms with a fixed number of arguments like sin, cos, etc. there is
no problem.
try this
defrule(r1, d(sin(g)), cos(g)*d(g));
but also try..
you may try to attach more conditions on the pattern match variables, like
they will not match 1, etc.
But you are looking for a syntactic match, and maxima's matcher is
too clever for you.
You could write a "tree walker" and check to see if op(expression,0)="+"
and do things with op(expression,1) ... op(expression,length(expression))
This would be needed only for + * and maybe - /.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: maxima-bounces at
> [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert Marik
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 3:07 AM
> To: maxima at
> Subject: maxima - rules and patterns
> Dear users of maxima
> I solve the following problem: I wish to write tools which enable to
> differentiate expresions in simple single steps, something like
> My problems are:
> First problem:
> --------------
> write a function diffsin(expr) which scans the epxression expr for
> strings derivative(sin(....)) and has the following output
> diffsin(2*sin(x)+derivative(sin(x)) + derivative(sin(x^2)))
> =
> 2*sin(x)+cos(x)+cos(x^2)*derivative(x^2)
> and similar functions for the other basic elementary functions and for
> product, quotient and addition
> for example I wish to define function diffproduct with the
> following output
> diffproduct(1+x^7*sin(x)+derivative(x^2*cos(x)))
> =1+x^7*sin(x)+derivative(x^2)*cos(x)+x^2*derivative(cos(x))
> I know that the quotient is treated as product in maxima, but I hope
> to solve this problem somehow (with simp:false?)
> User will choose one step in diferentiation and Maxima will do the
> computations. Something similar to
> (not yet translated into english, sorry)
> Second problem:
> ---------------
> given the expression, find the rule which has to be used as the first,
> second, ..... and apply them to get a result similar to
> I looked into the maxima manual and I have seen that there are
> powerfull tools for this in maxima, but I am confused, which of the
> function should I use. I started my attemtps with
> defrule(diffsum,derivative(a+b),derivative(a)+derivative(b));
> but
> diffsum(x+sin(x))
> returns false :(
> Can you give me a few pointers and tips to the following?
> 1. which commnds to use to solve my problems, defrule, defmatch,
> tellsimp, let?
> 2. which literature and which examples to study?
> 3. is there allready a similar package somewhere on the Internet?
> 4. what is wrong in my example?
> Thank you very much
> Robert Marik
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