Mario Rodriguez pisze:
>> Here is implemented:
>> - stack ( LIFO) using list
>> - drawing points points using 2 lists
>> This maybe things to improve
> Hello,
> From draw's point of view, your code is 100% correct. But take into
> account that the drawing routine takes only a small portion of computing
> time, since most of the time is dedicated to the computation of the
> Julia set.
I have problem with point size. I use diffrent positive integer values
but points are still small.
> On the other hand, now that I see this algorithm, perhaps the 'points'
> drawing object could be improved to admit arrays of coordinates instead
> of only lists and matrices.
Can you expand it ?
Do you think about drawing only array Hits in 3D.
It would be an diagram like fig 27 in "the beauty of fractals" by Peitgen.
Can you do it ?
> Another drawing alternative could be the 'image' object, as in the
> Mandelbrot sets in
Yes I will do it.
> Finally, I think you already know about the existence of packages
> 'dynamics' and 'fractals', which could be of interest for you.
Yes I know it. These packages inspired me to use Maxima for fractals.
Dynamics is in Lisp so I have a time to learn it, because I would like
to add new functions , not only use it.
There are many unsolved problems. Help is wellcome.