Camm Maguire, you there? [was: Debian package for Maxima and wxmaxima?]
Subject: Camm Maguire, you there? [was: Debian package for Maxima and wxmaxima?]
From: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 18:45:09 -0600
On 08/03/2008, Alexios Tamparopoulos <alexis.maxima at> wrote:
> The package manager provides Maxima 5.12 and wxmaxima 0.7.1,
> so it's a little bit outdated.
The Debian maintainer is Camm Maguire, and he seems to have fallen
behind a little with the packaging.
By the way, "Ubuntu packages" and "Debian packages" aren't synonyms,
despite what most Ubuntu users seem to believe. When I fell behind
with my QtOctave Debian package, the Ubuntu packagers made their own
package for Ubuntu independent of the Debian package.
It's of course preferrable that the packages stay close as much as
possible, but they don't have to.
- Jordi G. H.