lsquares_estimates syntax

On 3/9/08, Edwin Woollett <woollett at> wrote:

> the manual has the syntax:
>  lsquares_estimates(D,x,e,a), and the extra options form:
>  lsquares_estimates(D,x,e,a,  initial = L,  tol  = t ).
>  the second example, which uses two options is:
>  (%i3) lsquares_estimates (
>   M, [x,y], y=a*x^b+c, [a,b,c], initial=[3,3,3], iprint=[-1,0]);
>  what is the meaning of the last argument involving "iprint"?

iprint is an option for lbfgs progress messages -- ? lbfgs describes it.
I guess that should be made clear in the lsquares documentation.


Robert Dodier