On 3/11/08, Alberto Marcone <alberto.marcone at dimi.uniud.it> wrote:
> I used maxima with wxMaxima sometime in 2006 and saved quite a bit of
> work in files with extension sav.
> Now I changed my computer and upgraded to the current version of maxima,
> and I cannot find a way of opening my old files.
> I tried with load, but I get the error message:
> > Load failed for C://Documents and Settings//alberto//My
> Documents//maxima//Newton.sav -- an error. To debug this try
> debugmode(true);
I am guessing that you saved the files with the "save" function.
If so, try this:
:lisp (load "C:/my-path/my-file.sav")
which should print a more informative error message.
Probably you will have to post one of the .sav files in question,
and the error message you get when you try :lisp (load ...).
Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Robert Dodier