quad_qag slow due to compilation at each step?

Robert Dodier wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 2:51 PM, dlakelan <dlakelan at street-artists.org> wrote:
>>  It looks like the code disables compilation for GCL, probably due to the
>>  cost of compiling.
> Yeah -- GCL writes stuff to the disk whenever it compiles.
>> It would be nice if we could have a switch for
>>  quad_qag and friends that determines whether they call compile or not.
> I dunno. Maybe throwing some logic into GET-INTEGRAND or whatever
> it is called like
> (cond ((functionp foo) foo) ((and (symbolp foo) (fboundp foo))
> (symbol-function foo)) (t (compile nil foo)))
> is enough.

At this point, I think we should just give up and not compile the 
function at all.  Then there are no surprises.  If it turns out too 
slow, we can simply tell the user to compile the function before calling 
quad_qag and friends.
