New Maxima user has problem

dlakelan wrote:
> Bob Baker wrote:
>> I too was impressed by what Mathematica could do and looked into getting 
>> it.  I gave up when I learned they will not sell the student version to 
>> a retired electrical engineer pursuing math studies as a hobby.  Next 
>> year I could get the professional version with a senior discount, but 
>> even 50% off is too steep for me.
> You might look into taking a class at a local junior college. usually 
> that will qualify you as a student. However, I'd prefer to sell you on 
> maxima's ability to do a lot of useful stuff. so maybe we can figure out 
> how to make maxima do this calculation by fixing some bugs.
> i dropped into the debugger when I got the "too many contexts" error, 
> and got the following output:
>    invalid array index 51 for #((*GC NIL DATA NIL CMARK 0 SUBC ($INITIAL))
>                                 (*GC NIL SUBC
>                                  ((*GC NIL DATA NIL CMARK 0 SUBC 
> ($INITIAL))))
>                                 (*GC NIL SUBC
>                                  ((*GC NIL SUBC
>                                    ((*GC NIL DATA NIL CMARK 0 SUBC
>                                      ($INITIAL))))))
>                           ..... several pages
>                                             ...
> ($INITIAL))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 
> (should be nonnegative and <51)
> Perhaps from this error, someone who knows maxima internals can figure 
> out what maxima has done wrong. clearly it's created some infinite loop 
> or something...
> Also, by performing the transformations mentioned by others I found that 
> the integrand is the same as:
> (cos(5 x) + sqrt(cos(2 x) - 8 cos(x) + 7)
>   (sqrt(2) cos(4 x) - 4 sqrt(2) cos(3 x) + sqrt(2) cos(2 x) + 2 sqrt(2))
>   - 8 cos(4 x) + 14 cos(3 x) - 8 cos(2 x) + cos(x))
> /(2 cos(2 x) - 16 cos(x) + 14)
> the procedure:
>   ratsimp(trigreduce(subst(lambda([s], ''(exponentialize(sinh('s)))), 
> sinh, integrand(1,3))));
> however, maxima still can't integrate this.
If that's the actual integrand, then perhaps trigexpand will express 
cos(n*x) in terms of powers of cos(x) and sin(x).  Maxima might be able 
to integrate that.
