On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Adam Majewski <adammaj1 at o2.pl> wrote:
> Jaime Villate pisze:
> Your code is working perfectly and is so short. Great. Thx.
> But ... now I see that I have given wrong conditions. (:-|
> I intended to draw:
> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/images/eps-gif/MandelbrotLemniscates_700.gif
> So I have change: removed z (it is allways 0 )
> and now it is OK ( Your solution showed me the way ).
> Here is the code:
> ======================
> load(implicit_plot);
> c: x+%i*y;
> ER:2; /* Escape Radius = bailout value */
> f[n](c) := if n=1 then c else (f[n-1](c)^2 + c);
> implicit_plot(makelist(abs(ev(f[n](c)))=ER,n,1,5),
> [x,-3,3],[y,-3,3],[nticks, 1000000],
> [gnuplot_preamble, "set zeroaxis"]);
implicit_plot ignores nticks. To make the curves smoother increase the
density of the grid with ip_grid and ip_grid_in: