On Wednesday 19 March 2008 18:13, Robert Dodier wrote:
> (1) vect.mac preserves expressions a foo b as such, and
> expands them into expressions in the coordinate basis upon
> request (via express); vector.mac immediately expands.
In my opinion, vect.mac approach is better. Anyway, this behavior could be
controlled by some flag.
> (3) vect.mac uses the symbols "." and "~" instead of the
> names "dot" and "curl" like vector.mac.
> [...] "." and "~" should be renamed to "dot" and "curl".
Okay, but here "~" is the cross-product operator, so it should be
named "cross"; "curl" is the other vector calculus operator (also known
as "rot").
"." confuses anyway since "listarith" is "true" by default, so "." works just
like "dot" operator for lists (vectors are represented as lists in
(%i1) [1,2,3] . [4,5,6];
(%o1) 32
(%i2) [4,5,6] . [1,2,3];
(%o2) 32
(%i3) [4,5,6] . [1,2,3], listarith:false;
(%o3) [4, 5, 6] . [1, 2, 3]
Also, "arithmetics on lists" expands x*[a,b,c] to [a*x,b*x,c*x] and x+[a,b,c]
to [a+x,b+x,c+x]. It is very bad for vector lists. For example,
when "listarith" is "true"
(%i1) x + [a,b,c];
(%o1) [x + a, x + b, x + c]
(%i2) [d,e,f] + [a,b,c]; /* Gives the expected result */
(%o2) [d + a, e + b, f + c]
(%i3) at(x+[a,b,c], [x=[d,e,f]]); /* Gives unexpected result */
(%o3) [[d + a, e + a, f + a], [d + b, e + b, f + b], [d + c, e + c, f + c]]
(%i4) at(x+[a,b,c], [x=[d,e,f]]), listarith:false; /* Will not be expanded */
(%o4) [d, e, f] + [a, b, c]
So I think that vector package should set "listarith:false" and do expansions
only upon request.
Well, "dot" could be introduced to denote not only vector-vector, but also
scalar-vector commutative multiplication and we can use "*" only for
scalar-scalar multiplication. Replacing "+" as vector-vector sum operator by
something else ("plus"?) is bad idea... If we do so, we'll get peculiar
syntax ("(x cross y plus -z) dot u dot v"), but it will remove "listarith"
issues. What do you think?
> (4) vector.mac defines some operators not known to vect.mac,
> namely dotdel, curlgrad, graddiv, divrurl, and christoffel.
Christoffel symbols are belong to tensor analysis, but not to vector calculus,
I think they should be removed from vector packages since the ctensor already
knows about them.
The directional derivative denoted as "dotdel" should be implemented in some
way. As for curlgrad, graddiv, divcurl, curlcurl, they could be preserved,
but they are not very important.
Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru>
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