
On 3/19/08, Alexey Beshenov <al at> wrote:

> In my opinion, vect.mac approach is better. Anyway, this behavior could be
>  controlled by some flag.

I think the multitude of flags makes it difficult for the user to
understand what is going on, since the same code can have a
different effect depending on flags. So I am not in favor of
introducing another flag.

>  Okay, but here "~" is the cross-product operator, so it should be
>  named "cross"; "curl" is the other vector calculus operator (also
> known as "rot").

You're right, I was confused.

>  "." confuses anyway since "listarith" is "true" by default, so "." works just
>  like "dot" operator for lists (vectors are represented as lists in
>  vect/vector):
>  (%i1) [1,2,3] . [4,5,6];
>  (%o1)                               32

Wow, I didn't know about that ... That seems like something of a
mess since it is not [1 . 4, 2 . 5, 3 . 6] as one would expect from
other listarith-enabled computations.

>  Well, "dot" could be introduced to denote not only vector-vector, but also
>  scalar-vector commutative multiplication and we can use "*" only for
>  scalar-scalar multiplication. Replacing "+" as vector-vector sum operator by
>  something else ("plus"?) is bad idea... If we do so, we'll get peculiar
>  syntax ("(x cross y plus -z) dot u dot v"), but it will remove "listarith"
>  issues. What do you think?

Another way to avoid the whole listarith problem is to represent
vectors as objects distinct from lists, e.g. vector(1, 2, 3)
instead of [1, 2, 3]. Actually I am in favor of that; conflating
different kinds of objects for convenience leads to unexpected
results (e.g. listarith problems with vectors).

>  The directional derivative denoted as "dotdel" should be implemented
> in some way.

You're right, dotdel is a distinct operator which should have its own

> As for curlgrad, graddiv, divcurl, curlcurl, they could be preserved,
>  but they are not very important.

I guess I don't see the need for them.


Robert Dodier