On Tuesday 25 March 2008 22:49, Richard Fateman wrote:
> did you try ratsimp(%) ?
Yes, I'm using ratsimp(...) and, of course, it returns more readable
expressions, but they look like
- 15 t
f (t) = - %e (10 c + 28 c + 9 c
1 2 3
6 t
+ (- 10 c - 43 c - 9 c ) %e cos(3 t)
1 2 3
6 t
+ (80 c + 71 c + 33 c ) %e sin(3 t))/15
1 2 3
While the intended form is something like
2 c 28 c 3 c
1 2 3 - 15 t
(- ---- - ----- - ----) %e
3 15 5
2 c 43 c 3 c 16 c 71 c 11 c
- 9 t 1 2 3 1 2 3
+ %e ((---- + ----- + ----) cos(3t) - (----- + ----- + -----) sin(3t))
3 15 5 3 15 5
ratsimp(...) is enough for me if there is no other straightforward way of such
Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru>
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