Maxima on Pocket PC

 It seems that Familiar Linux is only designed for special devices.
 On the other hand, I tried MaximaPHP and the idea is really interesting. The only drawback [for PPC's] of this web-based version is that the size and dimension of the pages is not suitable for PPC's. It was of course much better if a small application [a remote form] pointing to some server had been designed and dedicated to MaximaPHP.
 MaximaPHP can also be found on the following address:


------- Original Message -------
From: "Alasdair McAndrew" <amca01 at>
To: "Shahir Molaei" <shahir at>
Sent: 29/3/08, 10:37:00
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Maxima on Pocket PC

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