You're converting expression to polar form incorrectly.
You should get r=r(theta) from {r=r(t),theta=theta(t)} by excluding parameter
t (which is not an argument). Anyway, it's better to start from known polar
equation of cardioid
r = a (1-cos(theta)).
So, parametric equations are
x = a cos t (1-cos(t)),
y = a sin t (1-cos(t)).
In your case a = 1/2:
e^{it}/2 - e^{2it}/4 =
= (1/2 cos(t) - 1/4 cos(2t)) + i (1/2 sin(t) - 1/4 sin(2t)) =
= 1/2 cos(t) (1-cos(t)) + i 1/2 sin(t) (1-cos(t)).
On Sunday 30 March 2008 11:12, Adam Majewski wrote:
> I want to draw special cardioid defined by equation:
> e1:exp(t*%i)/2-exp(2*t*%i)/4;
> Can I draw it in such form ?
> I have done it by 2 methods:
> /* draws cardioid in parametric form */
> e1:exp(t*%i)/2-exp(2*t*%i)/4;
> re:realpart(e1);
> im:imagpart(e1);
> /*demoivre(e1);*/
> plot2d ([parametric,re,im,[t,0,2*%pi],[nticks,200]],[x,-2.5,
> 0.5],[y,-1.5,1.5],[gnuplot_preamble, "set xzeroaxis; set grid"])$
> I works good.
> And second method :
> /* draws cardioid in polar form */
> e1:exp(t*%i)/2-exp(2*t*%i)/4;
> r:abs(e1);
> load(draw);
> draw2d(nticks = 2000, xrange = [-2.5,0.5], yrange=[-1.5,1.5], color =
> blue, line_width
> = 3, polar(r,t,0,2*%pi),grid=true)$
> It semms to me the same but graphical result is diffrent.
> Can it be done better ?
Alexey Beshenov <al at>
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