

> On Sunday 30 March 2008 19:34, Adam Majewski wrote:
>>> You're converting expression to polar form incorrectly.
>> Yes but where is my error ?
>>> You should get r=r(theta) from {r=r(t),theta=theta(t)} by excluding
>>> parameter t (which is not an argument).
I have r=r(theta) :

(%i7) e1:exp(theta*%i)/2-exp(2*theta*%i)/4;
(%o7) %e^(%i*theta)/2-%e^(2*%i*theta)/4
(%i8) r:abs(e1);

>> I have changed name "t" to "theta" ( I didn't know that it has meaning)
>> but it gives the same curve.
> No, it hasn't special meaning for Maxima plotter. t is just not an polar angle 
> here. As I wrote, standard way is to exclude t and get r=r(theta) from 
> {r=r(t),theta=theta(t)}, but in this case you should start from known polar 
> equation.
>> Anyway, it's better to start from known polar equation of cardioid
>>>   r = a (1-cos(theta)).
>>> So, parametric equations are ...
>> Yes parametric form works well.
>> Can it be done in polar form ?
>> (:-))
> As I wrote, a = 1/2.  

So you mean:

r:  (1-cos(theta))/2;
draw2d(nticks = 2000, xrange = [-2.5,0.5], yrange=[-1.5,1.5], color = 
blue, line_width= 3, polar(r,theta,0,2*%pi),grid=true)$

It is not that cardioid ( the size and orientation is OK but it should 
be moved to the right , it means cusp should be not at 0 but at 1/4 )
