Solving trigonometric equations numerically

On 02/04/2008, reyssat <reyssat at> wrote:

>  1/ First plot your function to see where changes of sign do occur :
>  plot2d([2*sin(x),0.8],[x,0,2*%pi]);
>  the graphic shows obviously a solution between 0 and 1, another between 2
> and 3, and no other.
>  2/ With this information, use find_root wih appropriate starting points :
>  find_root(2*sin(x)=0.8, x, 0, 1);            --->     0.41151684606749
>  find_root(2*sin(x)=0.8, x, 2,3);             --->     2.730075807522305
>  Another possibility is to use newton, when your function is differentiable
> (which is the case here), starting from a single point. There is no
> guarantee to obtain a solution, and the one you obtain may far from the
> starting point, but it often converges to a solution. Here are the commands
> :
>  load (newton1);
>  newton (2*sin(x)-0.8, x, 0, 10^-10);           --->    0.41151684606749
>  Eric Reyssat

This works absolutely great. I probably should have tried to plot the
equation first and try some other boundaries before asking, must have
slipped my mind.

You've all been very helpful, thank you very much!


Dan Sondergaard