How to Install Maxima on iMac?

Raymond Toy wrote:
> alessandro barbon wrote:
>> Hi, I'm Alessandro. I'm really intrested in Maxima.
>> First because it's an open source software, second because it's what I
>> was looking for.
>> I'm a neo Mac-user. I downloaded the file maxima-x.y.z.tar.gz
>> I unpacked the folder on my iMac (Leopard is installed)
>> but I can't run the software Maxima.
>> I need a list of instructions to do this because I'm not so good with
>> Mac and I don't know how to go on.
>> Please if somebody could help me, I would be really pleased. Thank you
>> very much.
> You asked exactly this question a couple of days ago.  Alexey Beshenov
> gave some useful suggestions.  Did you try them?
> Ray
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I remember Alexey'a reply and it was complete, but not for a novice. For 
instance, it did not say how to get a lisp installed.

Here is what I do.

1. Install a lisp. I use sbcl and install it with

sudo fink install sbcl

Wait until it gets installed.

2. Download the file
and put it in /usr/local/src

3. Become superuser--either with sudo or su (If you don't know to do 
this send me private email and I'll try to help).

4. Type
cd /usr/local/src
tar xvfz maxima-5.14.0-tar.gz
cd maxima-5.14.0
make install

5. Now maxima should be installed and workable.

6. Note: I use xmaxima and rmaxima (for this you need 'rlwrap') but 
there are other front ends you can use. The program xmaxima has some 
strange aspects on the mac
as opposed to, say, linux.

Some short hand keys, alt-p, alt-f, don't work, even it you try to remap 
the keyboard if you use the default tcl-tk which comes with the Mac.

I found that if I install the tcl-tk using fink, then things work fine 
after a slight remapping of the keyboard. The folder /sw/bin has to be 
earlier in your PATH variable than /usr/bin for this to work.

Good luck.
