Maxima tutorials

Hi Javed,

Thanks for your note.

I agree that we need more material available for students and researchers 
who are new
to the Maxima software.

Since this series of notes may eventually turn into a textbook, I am not 
the Tex files which are the "source code" for the pdf's.

Instructors can  supplement my notes with their own comments and additions
as handouts for their students.

I don't recommend that students print out copies of my notes in toto.
Perhaps a few pages would be reasonable to print out, but it is easier to 
just read the notes
on the computer screen, which is why I chose 12 pt font. One can have a 
(say on top) open to my notes, and have the other half-window open (say on 
bottom) for XMaxima, and one can jump back and forth using Alt+tab, 
each window with page up or down, etc. I have purposely made the table of
contents extremely detailed (and that page would be worth printing out) so 
can use the page locator on their pdf reader to quickly move to the area of 

I have also received requests for some sort of downloadable supplement of 
"cut and
paste" code in a text file format which students and others could use to try 
out sections
of the notes without having to type everything. I am not sure what would be 
the best
format for such a "code" supplement. Do you have any suggestions?

I haven't had a chance to look at your course webpage yet, but I look 
to doing so soon. I am sure I will get some good ideas for structure and 
topics of
interest to engineers, which I would welcome.

I am presently working on chapter 5: Calculus: Elementary Examples. If you 
any special topics you would like to see emphasized in my notes, please 
them to me.

Best Wishes,

Ted Woollett

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Javed Alam" <jalam1001 at>
To: <woollett at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 1:14 AM
Subject: Maxima tutorials

> Dr. Wollet
> Thanks for writing notes on Maxima. We need more write ups like yours to
> make Maxima accepted in the mainstream.
> I am a great fan of that program and developed an entire course for
> Engineering graduates.
> Please feel free to take any part you find useful.
> I am also trying with the help of BOWO to use Maxima online.
> Bowo wrote an online version of maxima that runs on the Internet at
> This removes the need of downloading and installing Maxima on the desk 
> top.
> Also a  facebook version of maxima is running at
> The idea here is to make Maxima available to wider audience. they can even
> run it in their mobile devices if they have a connection to internet.
> Please try these services and let us know what you think.
> Also Your notes are in pdf. It is a good format for printing and
> distribution but teacher like me like to make changes and it is not 
> possible
> to make changes. That is why I provided my notes in  words, html and pdf
> format. Is it possible to have your notes any format that is editable?
> Thanks
> Javed Alam