Logic algebra

I've done a logic algebra package:


It defines operators "AND", "OR", "NOT" (written in uppercase, 
since "and", "or", "not" are built-in operators for predicates), as well as 
Sheffer stroke ("NAND"), Peirce arrow ("NOR"), implication ("IMPL"), 
equivalence ("EQ") and sum modulo 2 ("XOR").

It does

  * truth tables,
  * conversion to the Boolean ({AND, OR, NOT}) and Zhegalkin ({AND, XOR, 1}) 
  * test on completeness (by Post's theorem),
  * perfect normal forms,
  * differentiation.

(Also I have some draft code for minimization, but it isn't very useful since 
it represents the pure Quine-McCluskey algorithm and has to be improved.)

Could it be placed in the /share/contrib? Could anyone try and review it?

Thank you in advance.

Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru>
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