Logic algebra


Thanks again for your package.  In playing with it to see how I could
integrate it with my code, I found a few more bugs (see below).



(a AND b[1]) parses as (a AND b)[1] -- this is what causes the
previous bug (a AND a[1]) => a[1].

Similarly (f AND g(x)) parses as (f AND g)(x), which gives an error.

The binding strengths need to be adjusted.


logicexprp(%pi) => true


Various elementary simplifications are missing:

x EQ NOT x doesn't simplify to 0
x IMPL x doesn't simplify to 1
NOT x IMPL x doesn't simplify to x
x NAND x  etc. doesn't simplify to NOT x


functionallycompletep seems to be inconsistent about whether constant
symbols/nullary functions need to be included:

  fp(NOT x AND NOT y) => true (apparently doesn't require constant symbols)
  fp(NOT x AND NOT y,0) => true
  fp(NOT x AND NOT y,1) => true
  fp(x AND NOT y) => false          ?? requires constant symbols?
  fp(x AND NOT y,0) => false       ??
  fp(x AND NOT y,1) => true         OK


demorgan is indented incorrectly, implying that you intended something
different.  It currently reads:

demorgan (expr) := (
    if not logicexprp (expr) then
        expr : apply2 (expr,demorgor,demorgand),
        apply (apply1, cons(expr,generalrules))

but in Maxima syntax, the apply(apply1...) is not part of the else
clause.  Correct indentation is:

demorgan (expr) := (
    if not logicexprp (expr) then
        expr : apply2 (expr,demorgor,demorgand),
    apply (apply1, cons(expr,generalrules))

Is this what you intended?  It is equivalent to:

demorgan (expr) := (
   applyrules( if logicexprp(expr)
                         then apply2 (expr,demorgor,demorgand)
                         else expr,

where applyrules(ex,r):=apply('apply1,cons(expr,generalrules))$

If you change the parenthesization to reflect the indentation, you get
the incorrect result demorgan(g(x)) => false instead of g(x)


In dualfunction, same indentation problem, but here the indentation is
correct and the parenthesization needs to be changed for the function
to make sense: dualfunction(h(x)) currently gives NOT g (this is an
internal g!); with corrected parenthesization it gives unknown, but
this is not correct either; shouldn't it be NOT h(NOT x) ?


Same sort of problem in zhegalkin.

In general, the use of logicexprp seems to be problematic, because it
excludes functions. It also prevents simplification from reaching
inside functional expressions, e.g. booleanbasis(f(a XOR b)) doesn't
rewrite the XOR. Of course, you can use scanmap....

Why is this necessary at all?


zhegalkin is extremely slow in some cases.  On my machine, zhegalkin(a
AND b AND (NOT c) AND (NOT d) OR a AND (NOT b) AND c AND (NOT d) OR a
(NOT a) AND b AND (NOT c) AND d OR (NOT a) AND (NOT b) AND c AND d)
takes 4.5 secs. Is this normal?

The problem seems to be that it is using the pattern-matching system
repeatedly which requires the expression to be rescanned many many


You need to quote function names when you apply them, e.g.
apply(ev,...).  Otherwise, if someone assigns a value to a variable
called ev (I did this unintentionally! -- I wasn't trying to break
your code), your code breaks:

   ev: 23$
   charvec(a,a) => error

Anyway, as I mentioned before, the ev function should almost *never*
be used in programming.

"NOT"() => NOT false

"IMPL"(a) => IMPL(a)  (should be an error)


Using 0 and 1 for false and true is incompatible with Maxima
conventions so you have to do something like logical(oddp(x)) (where
logical converts) instead of simply oddp(x). This seems pointless.