[Maxima-bugs] sin(%pi+%pi*x) doesn't simplify


> Fixed in trigi.lisp rev 1.30 (using solution 2 above, however).
> (%i32) sin(%pi+%pi*x);
> (%o32) -sin(%pi*x)
> (%i33) sin((%pi+1)^3);
> (%o33) -sin(%pi^3+3*%pi^2+1)

I'm somewhat unhappy with this "fix".

I don't think the core simplifier should call expand() or any other
of the manual simplifiers.

a) the core simplifier should be fast

b) it makes the concepts of maxima even more blurry

c) It introduces new bugs:
(%i8) sin((1+%pi)^3);
(%o8) -sin(%pi^3+3*%pi^2+1)
(%i9) scanmap(factor, %);
(%o9) -sin(%pi^3+3*%pi^2+1)
