The plot

You guys are very concerned with efficiency because you support Maxima.  I was just doing some physics fun and it crashed Maxima.  I took my sleeping pill and I am going to sleep now.

------------Original Message------------
From: "Richard Hennessy"<rvh2007 at>
To: "Maxima List" <maxima at>
Date: Mon, Apr-14-2008 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] The plot
I submitted it because I thought the spikes coming out of the sides would be the eigenvalues.  The blue points are close to zero, the bluer the closer.  The green points are 2.5 or higher.  The grayish blue is somewhere in between.  It is x by Energy for the x^4 potential,   Is it not true that the spikes are the eigenvalues?

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