Special delimited oscillators that maxima can't solve it.

On Tuesday 15 April 2008 05:54, you wrote:

>>> The Fresnel integrals are not related to here, in this harder solving.
>> Actually, they are related to indefinite integrals:
>> \int sin(1/x) dx = x sin(1/x) - Ci(1/x),
>> \int cos(1/x) dx = x cos(1/x) + Si(1/x),
>> \int sin(1/x^2) dx = x sin(1/x^2) - sqrt(2 pi) C (sqrt(2/pi)/x),
>> \int cos(1/x^2) dx = x cos(1/x^2) + sqrt(2 pi) S (sqrt(2/pi)/x).
> They are still unsolved indefinite integrals.
> They are not primitives!

It's not an open issue, if you mean the good numerical evaluation of Si(x), 
Ci(x), S(x), C(x).

Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru>
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