Feature Request

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 12:52 AM, Richard Hennessy <rvh2007 at comcast.net> wrote
> I would really like it if in wxMaxima you could open up more than one wxm
> file at a time w/o having to launch two instances of wxMaxima .  I copy and
> paste from one document to another a lot and being able to have two, three
> or more documents open at the same time would make life much easier.
> Multiple Document Interfaces (MDI) are still very appreciated, the most
> common one I know of is Excel.

MDI is only common on Windows. Mac and GTK applications do not have
MDI. Since wxMaxima is cross-platform application, it must use SDI to
look good on all supported platforms.

> Another lesser request is that the default behavior after double clicking a
> wxm file in Windows explorer of batching the wxm file instead of reading it
> could be changed to just reading it for editing.  This would be at the users
> discretion and personal preference through an options dialog.  I like to be
> able to personalize my app's to my way of using them.
> One last thought I have with wxMaxima is that the clipboard contents are
> deleted upon exiting which is very inconvenient for copying information from
> one app to another.

I can add these last two features to the next release of wxMaxima.
