Maxima and imaxima on vista

I amd trying to get imaxima working with Emacs on a Vista machine.

My first problem is getting maxima.bat recognised

I have c:\Program Files\Maxima-5.14.99rc1\bin in my path, but if I issue 
the command maxima in the command prompt window then I get the message 
that maxima is not a recognized unless I am actually in the bin directory. 
Then maxima.bat is found and runs maxima.

What is then totally weird (to me at least) is that if I then cd to 
another directory, maxima.bat is found, so I can run maxima just by 
issuing maxima at the command prompt.

Does anyone on the list have an explanation and a workaround for this?

I am reasonably experienced on Windows and Vista, but totally 
inexperienced with maxima.

David Scott

David Scott	Department of Statistics, Tamaki Campus
 		The University of Auckland, PB 92019
 		Auckland 1142,    NEW ZEALAND
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 86830		Fax: +64 9 373 7000
Email:	d.scott at

Graduate Officer, Department of Statistics
Director of Consulting, Department of Statistics