On 4/24/08, Raymond Toy (RT/EUS) <raymond.toy at ericsson.com> wrote:
> > A shorter example which shows the same behavior --
> >
> > integrate ('at ('diff (p (s), s), s=0), s);
> I haven't check yet, but I'm guessing that integrate things at is some
> hairy function. Presumably integrate should just pretend at is a constant.
FREEOF correctly says 'at('diff(p(s), s), s=0) is free of s,
but for some reason that is ignored by integrate, and then
the Risch algorithm is launched. I can't tell what INTSETUP
is trying to do. I think it's probably better to fix this by fixing
INTSETUP, but it might be easier to convince integrate that
the expression is a constant wrt the variable of integration,
so we can just skip the Risch stuff.
Can someone open a bug report for this? Thanks.
Robert Dodier