Error loading stringproc

On 4/25/08, Alasdair McAndrew <amca01 at> wrote:

> Trying to do some work with strings, in Maxima 5.15.0 (clisp), I got:
> Load failed for
> /usr/share/maxima/5.15.0/share/contrib/stringproc/stringproc.lisp

Alasdair, I have tried this with Clisp (versions 2.38 & 2.39 on Linux)
and it loads OK for me. What does build_info() report?

Also, you can try loading it from Lisp and you might get a more
detailed error message.

:lisp (load "/usr/share/maxima/5.15.0/share/contrib/stringproc/stringproc.lisp")

> Actually, all I want to do is to read a string and obtain the characters one by one from it

If you're parsing the string, my advice is to let the Maxima parser do it.
read and readonly might be useful here -- read evaluates the input and
readonly does not.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier