On 4/27/08, Thomas Widlar <twidlar at yahoo.com> wrote:
> If you can get me the URL and permission to have this
> PDF Maxima book printed, I can set this up in about
> ten days if there are no glitches.
> o The basic cost of a 800 page book is about $22.
> o if we want a profit, we should decide what
> we want amd who gets it (the printer gets 20%)
> o People would order it online with credit card.
> o They are printed on demand and mailed.
> o Profit is mailed out quarterly.
Thomas, thanks for looking into this.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.
So far as I know, the reference manual is distributed under the
terms of the GNU GPL: the present manual is a derivative work
of the reference manual which was part of the bundle released
by William Schelter under terms of the GNU GPL. Therefore
you already have permission to make and sell printed copies,
so far as I know.
So far as I know, you can sell copies at any price you choose.
The catch, of course, is that everyone else has the same right;
someone else can charge less. You are not obligated to share
the profits, so far as I know.
There are various details in the GNU GPL which you should
probably review before going ahead with printing.
All the best,
Robert Dodier