Complex equation

>> ps : another way as to solve as linear system the real part and the
>> imagpart of the equation
> (%i1) solve([conjugate(z)-3*%i*z-3+6*%i=0], [z]), domain:complex;
> (%o1) [z = (6*%i-3)/(3*%i-1)]

I'm sorry, the correct answer:

(%i1) eq : conjugate(z)-3*%i*z-3+6*%i=0$
(%i2) solve(eq,z), domain:complex;
(%o2) [z = (6*%i-3)/(3*%i-1)]
(%i3) at(eq,%), rectform;
(%o3) 0 = 0
(%i4) z : a+%i*b$
(%i5) solve(eq, [a,b]), rectform;
(%o5) [[a = -%i*(8*%r3-3)/10-(6*%r3-21)/10,b = %r3]]
(%i6) at(eq,%[1]), rectform,ratexpand;
(%o6) 0 = 0

Alexey Beshenov <al at>
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