is that noeval what I need?

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Viktor Nagy <viktor.nagy at> wrote:

>  But when I solve the whole system, maxima always expands the f(k)
>  function. How can I ask her to leave f(k) as f(k)?

Maybe you can write 'f(k) instead of f(k), then Maxima creates a
so-called noun expression. Then f is not called unless explicitly
requested via ev(whatever, nouns) or ev(whatever, f) .

>  (To give some meaning to all this. It's a pricing question in
>  ecomonics, so p[i] is the price set by the ith firm. Kim1, Kip1 stands
>  for K_i-1, K_i+1 respectively.)

I'm glad to hear that you find Maxima useful for your work.


Robert Dodier