Fwd: Maxima versions for Ubuntu


I have taken the liberty of forwarding your message
to the Maxima mailing list. I don't use Ubuntu but I
think there are other people on the list who do.

Maybe you can tell us a little bit about your user
interface project. If you have not already done so,
perhaps you can take a look at 
and get some ideas from that.


Robert Dodier

--- Christian Jorgensen <christianjorgen at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> To: robert_dodier at users.sourceforge.net
> From: "Christian Jorgensen" <christianjorgen at users.sourceforge.net>
> CC: christianjorgen at users.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Maxima versions for Ubuntu
> Date: Fri, 02 May 2008 11:47:27 -0700
> Message body follows:
> I am a student at the Dutch Open University and must as a 
> project (with two fellow students) propose improved user 
> interface for Maxima.  Mr. Jos Simons has recently authored 
> a Maxima course for the Dutch Open University and has, he 
> sais, got goed advice from you.  He recommends that we 
> contact you.  I am presently working with the TeXmacs-
> Maxima interface written by Mr. A. Grozyn. That requires 
> Linux and that I use Ubuntu (because they gave good support 
> to installing it.)  When downloading Maxima Ubunto by 
> default gives version 5.9.2.  I have in vain looked for a 
> version 5.14 or 5.15 suitable to run under Ubuntu. The 
> Linux versions at Sourceforge cannot.  Grateful for any 
> advice you could offer.  My e-mail is 
> christian.jorgensen at skynet.be.  Thanks in advance for any 
> support you can offer.

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