-----"Richard Hennessy" <rvh2007 at comcast.net> wrote: -----
> Can odelin solve Shrodinger's eq for arbitrary Energy for the x^4
No, odelin will not solve -f'' + x^4 * f = e*f for anything other than
e = 0, I think. The solutions to -f'' + x^4 * f = e*f are expressible in
of the Heun functions (distinct from Heun's method). I don't have a
proof, but I suspect that e = 0 is the only value for which -f'' + x^4
* f = e*f has a non-Heun function solution.
Odelin knows nothing about the Heun functions. Actually the Heun
function solution to -f'' + x^4 * f = e*f isn't all that useful. Not
enough is known about these functions to determine the eigenvalues
of the x^4 potential in any reasonable way.
> I entered it in for E = 3 and it's still working on it. Should I let it
run all night?
No, odelin isn't smart about when to stop. Odelin is generating sets
of nonlinear polynomial equations that algsys struggles to solve. Give
your machine a rest. When you stop it, likely it will report something
...trying the spherodial wave solver
...solving 21 equations in 7 variables
I don't know about the degrees, but Maxima was trying to solve 21
polynomial (not linear) equations in 7 variables. The spherodial wave
solver almost always generates huge polynomial equations. Maybe odelin
shouldn't try this method unless directed.
(author of odelin)