Big float Round off errors

I did something like this for my "Heun function or whatever" power series I got but with some differences.  I looked at four numbers 

A = log(abs(biggest_pos_term))
B = log(abs(smallest_pos_term))

C = log(abs(biggest_neg_term))
D = log(abs(smallest_neg_term))

That basically gives you the number for fpprec to use.  But you have to compute

fpprec = max(A - B,C - D) and then add some more to that for good measure.  (Keep in mind B and D are negative)


 ------------Original Message------------
From: Barton Willis <willisb at>
To: "Stavros Macrakis" <macrakis at>
Cc: "Richard Hennessy" <rvh2007 at>, "Maxima List" <maxima at>, fateman at
Date: Wed, May-7-2008 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Big float Round off errors

macrakis at wrote on 05/07/2008 10:09:55 AM:

> >  but if you are having problems summing alternating series, you could 
> >  adding up the positive terms separately from the negative ones
> Really?  I would have thought that that would be the *worst* order.
> Isn't it better to combine terms that nearly cancel first, starting
> with the smallest?

Yes, I would generally expect (sum of positive)-(sum negatives) to be
the worst order. But this ordering has one advantage over other
orders: it puts all the subtractive cancellation into a single
difference. So the cost of bounding the subtractive cancellation is
O(1) instead of O(n). If you are going to redo the calculation with a
larger value for fpprec when the error is too big, doing (sum of
positive)-(sum negatives) might be the way to go. The downside is that
you might set fpprec to a value that is larger than it needs to
be--and I suppose there is a O(fpprec^2) penalty for multiplication
and division.

Of course, increasing fpprec beyond the accuracy of the summands
doesn't work. 
