On Wednesday 14 May 2008 18:17, Ismael Garrido wrote:
> I was browsing the sources for the vect and vector packages. The
> vector package has a warning (from 1978, no less!) saying that it
> *might* be broken. The vect package states that it will soon be
> replaced (again, in another notice from 1978). What's going to happen
> to those packages? Which one is "current"?
No one of them. AFAIK, at this moment, recent and the most clear code is
located at /share/contrib/vector3d.
> Both vect and vector are underdocumentated. The intent of those
> packages (AFAIK) is to implement the vector operators (grad, div,
> curl, laplacian). The documentation should be improved for these
> packages (or, for the package that should be used). How do I help
> improve it?
It was discussed on this list. It's better to revise vector calculus-related
code first and merge different implementations. (I plan to work on it.)
> I want to work with the operators in, for example, cylindrical
> coordinates. Should I use vector, despite its warning? Should I use
> vect's scalefactor? How does it work?
/share/contrib/vector3d works nice.
Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates should be pre-defined in both
Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru>
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