Bug Report - tex2ooo

On 5/16/08, Ismael Garrido <ismaelgf at adinet.com.uy> wrote:

>  (%i2) (s+1)/(s^4+3*s^3+4*s^2-2*s-3);
>  (%o2) (s+1)/(s^4+3*s^3+4*s^2-2*s-3)
>  (%i3) tex(%);
>  Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>  APPEND: A proper list must not end with " cdot "

Sorry, there is some bit-rot in tex2ooo.lisp; it is a modified version
of src/mactex.lisp, and the two have diverged. I have committed a
bug fix to cvs but you might run into other discrepancies.
With the new tex2ooo:

tex (%);
 => {alignc {s + 1} over {s^4  + 3 cdot s^3  + 4 cdot s^2  - 2 cdot s - 3


Robert Dodier

Index: share/contrib/tex2ooo.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/share/contrib/tex2ooo.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 tex2ooo.lisp
--- share/contrib/tex2ooo.lisp  17 Feb 2008 01:42:49 -0000      1.7
+++ share/contrib/tex2ooo.lisp  17 May 2008 14:44:31 -0000
@@ -281,8 +281,8 @@
     (append l r)))

-(defprop mnctimes " cdot " texsym)
-(defprop mtimes " cdot " texsym)    ;; HMM, SEEMS INADVISABLE
+(defprop mnctimes (" cdot ") texsym)
+(defprop mtimes (" cdot ") texsym)    ;; HMM, SEEMS INADVISABLE

 (defun tex-sqrt(x l r)
   ;; format as \\sqrt { } assuming implicit parens for sqr grouping