stringout() problem with Maxima 5.15.0

On 5/17/08, andre maute <andre.maute at> wrote:

>  output_integer(z) := block(
>         [tmp],
>         tmp : file_output_append,
>         file_output_append : true,
>         stringout( "output.txt", "/* integer */" ),
>         stringout( "output.txt", z ),
>         file_output_append : tmp,
>         return(z)
>  );

>  (%i3)                          output_integer(1)
>  Error in `stringout' attempt

Thanks for pointing it out. I've committed a bug fix (shown below).

Be that as it may, I have some other comments.
(1) Instead of saving and restoring via a temporary variable, just
use block like this: block([variable_to_be_saved : foo], blah, blah, blah)
block restores the previous value.
(2) I find it's usually shorter and clearer to use with_stdout which just
collects all the output within in and directs it to a file; if you call
stringout you have to name the output file every time.
e.g. with_stdout("output.txt", print(this), print(that), grind(the_other))
(3) Might be simpler to open an output stream and write to it
via printf. Aside from printf, some other functions recognize streams,
including with_stdout and the numericalio functions.

hope this helps

Robert Dodier

Index: src/suprv1.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/suprv1.lisp,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.68.4.1 suprv1.lisp
--- src/suprv1.lisp     26 Apr 2008 22:47:24 -0000
+++ src/suprv1.lisp     17 May 2008 15:42:59 -0000
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@
                         (if $grind (mgrind (strmeval (car l)) savefile)
                             (princ (print-invert-case (maknam
(mstring (strmeval (car l)))))
-                        (if (or (and (atom (car l)) (get (car l)
'nodisp)) (not $strdisp))
+                        (if (or (and (symbolp (car l)) (get (car l)
'nodisp)) (not $strdisp))
                             (write-char #\$ savefile)
                             (write-char #\; savefile)))))
                     (setq maxima-error t)))