Slightly OT: student usage of Maxima vs Maple

2008/5/21 Alasdair McAndrew <amca01 at>:
> The last major comparison of CAS's was done in 1999.  Since the range of
> problems solvable by a modern CAS is vast, I think you should simply compare
> Maple and Maxima for your own use - mechanical engineering education.  I for
> one would be delighted in your findings.  I have access to Maple, but use it
> myself only rarely these days.
> cheers,
> Alasdair

Thanks, Alasdair. Please tell us what the rare usage that you have for
Maple is. As I am at the moment relatively unfamiliar with both
programs, I'd like to know in which situations one is preferable over
the other.

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?