Subject: Fwd: xmaxima in 5.15 under Windows (Vista)
From: Jaime Villate
Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 15:36:46 +0100
On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 19:06 -0400, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
From: Fabrizio Caruso <caruso at>
> "couldn't open
> "C:/PRO.../share/maxima/515../xmaxima/INTRO...HTM": no such file
Xmaxima has failed to read the starting page for the browser. Have you
looked at the contents of that directory? there should be a file
intro.html (or I perhaps INTRO.HTM ?).
If you don't have that file, please get a copy from the Maxima
and try to start Xmaxima again.
Thanks for reporting that bug.
Jaime Villate