octave, matlab, maxima

Ray Toy has a translator from Fortran to Lisp.
Converting the resulting Lisp code to use arbitrary precision may be much

I agree that some of this is pointless without changing the algorithm.

I agree: the usual cosine routine that is good to 53 bits is not going to be
more accurate simply
by running the arithmetic in higher precision.  You need a more accurate
(Like the one in maxima bigfloat package, or in mpfr).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexey Beshenov [mailto:al at beshenov.ru] 
... snip....

> I have quite big experience with programming arbitrary 
> precision numerics with 
> MPFR (in C/C++). I've translated some Netlib routines and I 
> should say that
>   (1) the manual translation from FORTRAN to C/C++ and MPFR 
> is rather annoying
>       (I'm not sure that it's easy to implement a translator 
> since I have no
>       experience with parsing and analyzing the FORTRAN code);
>   (2) the literal mapping from the built-in floating-point 
> types of a quite
>       small precision to more precise ones isn't very useful, 
> so implementing
>       an effective arbitrary precision routine isn't so primitive.
> MPFR-related stuff is interesting for me, although now I'm 
> trying to move to 
> the symbolic research (namely, genetic programming in LISP).
> -- 
> Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru>
> http://beshenov.ru/