
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Adam Majewski <adammaj1 at o2.pl> wrote:
> 1. compute 1 derivative with respect to z of function  F(n,z,c) defined
> by recurence:
> f(z,c):=z*z+c$
> F(n, z, c) :=
>        if n=1 then f(z,c)
>         else f(F(n-1, c, z),c)$
> diff(F(n,z,c),z);

> I can do first task but second not.

In what sense can you do this task?  Do you mean for a given n, e.g.
diff(F(4,z,c),z)? I don't see how you could get Maxima to do it with
symbolic n.  In fact, Maxima (unsurprisingly) gets into an infinite
recursion when trying to evaluate F(n,z,c) -- nothing to do with the
