Difficulties getting a jacobian matrix

I think what you need is not functions, but declaring the symbols used in
your matrices as dependent variables. For instance, you may want to write


or whatever your independent variables are. Thereafter, when the matrix is
differentiated, the matrix elements will be dealt with correctly.

A function's return value is the value of the last expression evaluated by
that function. (This is not LISP; this is the Maxima language.)


-----Original Message-----
From: maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu [mailto:maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu]
On Behalf Of weaker at directbox.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 1:04 PM
To: maxima at math.utexas.edu
Subject: Difficulties getting a jacobian matrix

Hi all,

I have some matrices of the following form, for example
K_R : matrix([f_R,beta_R,c_Rx],[0,alpha_R*f_R,c_Ry],[0,0,1]);
R_X_Phi : matrix([1,0,0],[0,cos(Phi),-sin(Phi)],[0,sin(Phi),cos(Phi)]);
addcol( diagmatrix (3, 1) , [0,0,0])

Then I need to do some calculations (mostly multiplications) with these
matrices. The result will be a matrix with ugly long terms as entries which
should be simplified with ratsimp/trigsimp.
In the end, I want to rewrite that matrix column-wise into a big column
vector and then build the jacobian matrix. All entries with names (e. g.
beta_R, c_Ry) should be considered as variables and I have difficulties to
get the jacobian matrix in Maxima.

The questions I have are:
- Is it necessary to declare the matrices as functions like
R_X_Phi(Phi) :=
to be able to compute a jacobian afterwards?

- When I tried that I got errors multiplying such a function with such an
addcol( diagmatrix (3, 1) , [0,0,0])

How do I tackle such a problem in Maxima? What are the keywords I need to
look up or the key concepts.

Perhaps a great problem is that It is not entirely clear to me, what the
"return values" of the functions are. I don't know lisp and the noun/verb
thing in the help file doesn't make it clear either.
Is there a tutorial that is devoted to such matrix manipulation?

Best regards,

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