Subject: how to control loading of maxima-init.mac??
From: Oliver Kullmann
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 13:33:32 +0100
I have the following trouble (which seems to result in a
How to control the invocation of maxima-init.mac?
a) It seems that calling a plain "vanilla" maxima is not possible?
b) It seems that there is no command-line option for specifying the
location of maxima-init.mac?
c) It seems that neither by command-line options nor by build-configuration
can the list of directories be influenced, which is used to search for
Especially b) seems very easy to achieve.
My problems: From my (active) library (or "platform")
maxima is called under various circumstances, which might
not interfere with each other, and not with the "normal"
use of maxima.
So I need full control over maxima-init.mac (which is recreated
appropriately each time maxima is called via my interface).
Without any of the a)-c) above this seems impossible.
So, for example, I get clashes when, as it is normal, I run the unit test suite
for Maxima while starting a new maxima session.
And the user is forbidden to have his own ~/.maxima/maxima-init.mac,
since this makes it impossible(!) to have any other maxima-init.mac.
I hope somebody can tell me either to get the functionality
I need, or some more configurability will be added in the future.
Thanks for your attention.