I started to use maxima and
I have a multi-serie including terms like a[n,k_n+1,k_n] (k_i are
the integers on which the summations are done)
a follows a recursive law:
a[n,k_n+1,k_n] = a[n-1,k_n+1,k_n] - a[n-1,k_n+1,k_n-1] *
a[n-1,k_n,k_n-1] / a[n-1,k_n-1,k_n-1]
I would like to apply this law for a given n, but for all the index k_i,
in one single command
i.e. for example to replace a[5,k5,k4], a[5,k4,k3], a[5,k3,k2] etc by
the a[4,?,?] in one step
is this possible with maxima?