how to stop the annotation of lists by filenames?

Hi Stavros,

thanks a lot!

Actually, meanwhile due to the help of Andrej Vodopivec a very
similar solution is implemented, and works fine!
(Instead of the switch dontaddloadinfo, an optional
boolean argument for function "load" is introduced.)

But thanks for your example: It shows me another technique.
I was aware of dynamic binding (I actually use it a lot),
but I'm insecure about the combination of Lisp and Maxima,
and the design implications the different implementation options have.

I was thinking about rebuilding the system, because on the one
hand it's easy for me, and I wanted to avoid the warning
message arising from the redefinition.
But I guess that warning message is alright.

My special usage point-of-view is, that all what I'm doing
is part of the OKlibrary, this active multi-language open-source
platform for generalised SAT solving, so I always have to
think about how to obtain a reliable and maintainable solution, and
this for all users.
And from that point of view just building the system in a
different way is quite attractive. It's the design decision
between build-time and run-time. So well, now we have it
at run-time.

This brings me to the next question, and I will open a new
e-mail thread for that:

How can I incorporate code like your code below into my
open-source library (which redistributes it)? 

Thanks for your help!


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 02:37:45PM -0400, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Oliver Kullmann
> <O.Kullmann at> wrote:
> > 2) So I need an alternative load-function, which calls an alternative
> > mread which uses the trivialised add-lineinfo....
> Very easy.
> >  a) One could introduce a switch, but apparently this would need a bigger surgery?
> No, zero surgery is necessary.
> >  b) Perhaps easiest is to to create a new file, say, "NEW_mload.lisp",
> >  which contains the definition of new_mload, just copied from the
> >  existing sources, but using new_add-lineinfo (which is trivial).
> You don't need to modify mload.lisp, just redefine the add-lineinfo function:
> (setq $dontaddloadinfo nil)             ; default is to add info
> (defun add-lineinfo (lis)
>  (if $dontaddloadinfo lis                        ;;; <<< the main change
>   (if (or (atom lis) (and (eq *parse-window* *standard-input*)
> 			  (not (find-stream *parse-stream*))))
> 			  lis
>     (let* ((st (get-instream *parse-stream*))
>  	   (n (instream-line st))
> 	   (nam (instream-name st)))
>       (or nam (return-from add-lineinfo lis))
>       (setq *current-line-info*
> 	    (cond ((eq (cadr *current-line-info*) nam)
> 		   (cond ((eql (car *current-line-info*) n)
> 			  *current-line-info*)
> 			 (t  (cons n (cdr *current-line-info*)))))
> 		  (t (list n nam  'src))))
>       (cond ((null (cdr lis))
> 	     (list (car lis) *current-line-info*))
> 	    (t (append lis (list *current-line-info*)))))))
>   )   ; one extra parenthesis to match
> >  This file would be injected into the src-directory at build-time,
> >  hopefully compiled with the rest, and then I can choose between
> >  these two load-versions, with or without annotations.
> You are thinking in terms of a statically compiled system.  Things are
> much easier with Lisp.  You don't need to deal with rebuilding the
> system and other messes!
> Just put the above code in a file, load it when you want, and set
> dontaddloadinfo as necessary at the Maxima level, e.g.
>   dontaddloadinfo: true$
>    load...
> or if you want it to only have local effect
>    block( [dontaddloadinfo: true], ... load ...)
> This is a typical case, by the way, where Maxima's dynamic scope rule
> actually makes life much simpler.  Of course in other cases it makes
> life much worse....
>                   -s