Polar Plot with Maxima


In 2 dimension, "a polar plot" is a plot in variables of angle and length ,
Maxima can draw in polar coordinates. For example,
,theta,1,(2*%pi) ))$

"on the left axis" implies a rectangular coordinates plot in variables of length and length,
for example the vertical axis and the horizontal axis. 

Maxima can plot the real and complex pars of a complex function in rectangular 
coordinates as a function of an auxiliary paramagnetic variable. For example,
plot2d([['parametric, realpart(%e^(-%i*t)), imagpart(%e^(-%i*t)), [t,0,2*%pi ], 
[nticks,  300]]],  [plot_format, openmath])$

Thanks for your interest in Maxima

At 02:39 AM 5/31/2008, Luca *LORD* wrote:
>I need to do a polar plot of a function... 
>On the left axis I must have the immaginary part of the function and on the bottom axis the real part...
>Someone can help me?
>P.S.: Sorry for my bad english but i'm italian...
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