On 5/30/08, Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru> wrote:
> It seems that we should refer to some non-profit organization. For example,
> every GNU project refers to the FSF in copyright notes.
Yes, that's because (1) the FSF is a legal entity, and (2) contributors
are required to sign over their copyright to FSF.
This is different from Maxima on both counts.
> Such long list should be in the "Acknowledgements" section,
> but not in the copyright note.
If we're going to state a copyright claim, it should be as accurate as
we can make it. If that makes it a long list, so be it.
> For the documentation, FDL should be used.
We (current set of contributors) are not in a position to change the
license for the existing documentation by our own agreement.
If you want to change it, please contact a representative of
Bill Schelter's estate, and get their agreement, and the agreement
of everyone who has made original contributions since Schelter's
time, and then get back to us. I'm not opposed to that, but I'm also
not interested to do the footwork to make it happen.
Incidentally I'm pretty sure I don't want to relicense my original
contributions to GFDL.
Sorry to be a wet blanket.
Robert Dodier